Ok, you've known him to be Amazing, you've known him to be Spectacular... well know he's about to be Superior.
Marvel, thanks to issue number seven hundred (700) is going to change the way Spider-Man is... literally.
So -- I haven't been following Amazing Spider-Man for a while, but I guess he's going to duke it out with Doctor Octopus in this episode -- and Spider-Man is going to forcibly transfer Doctor Octopus's mind into that of Peter Parker.
So, Doctor Octopus will sort of merge with Peter Parker. He'll still have Peter Parker's sensibilities in a way, his morality -- but if you know Doc Ock -- he's got quite an ego -- hence the... Superior Spider-Man.
Here's a link to an article. And another one here.
So, will his buddies figure out that Peter Parker isn't the real Peter Parker?
Is this permanent.... as permanent as any shift in comic books can be? I guess the writer, Dan Slott, is getting death threats?
Jeeze, people.

I dunno, if I were Peter Parker, I don't know how I'd feel about Doc Ock hanging with my girl. (Is he still with Mary Jane... or did that continuity get wiped out too)
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